Fraud Alert! We have seen a recent increase in fraud attempts involving fake text messages designed to look like transaction alerts from Kish Bank, as well as phone calls impersonating Kish phone numbers. Please be vigilant in recognizing these attempts — do NOT click any links sent to you through text messages, and always respond to unsolicited contact by calling us directly at our published phone number, 1-800-981-5474. Learn more ›
A happy business owner hanging an Open sign in the window of the business
Analyzed Business Checking from Kish helps you get the most out of your complex banking needs, accruing balance-based earnings credits that can help offset service charges and transactional fees while also helping you streamline your account management as your business grows.
Talk to Kish today to see if Analyzed Business Checking is right for you.
*Certain Kish Digital Banking features and services of may be subject to fees for Analyzed Business Checking Accounts.
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